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Farmerteas Mengding Maofeng (Feather Peak) color display picture after brewing

Mengding Maofeng (Feather Peak) – Ein Meisterwerk aus grünem Tee

Mengding Maofeng (蒙顶毛峰), auch bekannt als Feather Peak, ist ein erstklassiger chinesischer Grüntee, der für seinen leichten, erfrischenden Geschmack und sein elegantes Aroma bekannt ist. Dieser Tee wird an den nebligen Hängen des Mengding-Bergs angebaut und bietet eine feine Balance aus blumigen und pflanzlichen Noten mit einer sanften Süße. Seine zarten, federartigen Blätter ergeben einen klaren, blassgrünen Aufguss, der sowohl weich als auch zufriedenstellend ist. Mengding Maofeng ist perfekt für Teeliebhaber, die Subtilität und Raffinesse schätzen, und verkörpert jahrhundertealte Teetradition. Ein Schluck dieses exquisiten Tees ist eine Reise in die ruhigen Berge von Sichuan.


Farmerteas Mengding Maofeng (Feather Peak) product display picture


The Art of Crafting Mengding Maofeng

Bei der Herstellung unserer Tees werden keine chemischen Düngemittel, Pestizide oder Herbizide verwendet. Klicken Sie hier, um mehr über unser Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und faire Handelspraktiken zu erfahren.

The production of Mengding Maofeng (Feather Peak) tea is an intricate process steeped in Chinese tea-making tradition. Each step is executed with precision to preserve the tea’s distinctive flavor and ensure the highest quality.

  1. Harvesting: Mengding Maofeng is picked in early spring, when the tea buds and tender leaves are at their peak. Only the top bud and one or two young leaves are selected, ensuring the tea’s fine quality and delicate taste.
  2. Withering: The freshly plucked leaves are spread out in a cool, shaded area to naturally wilt. This step reduces moisture content and enhances the leaves’ natural aroma.
  3. Fixation (Pan-Firing): The leaves are gently stir-fried in traditional woks to halt oxidation. This critical step locks in the tea’s vibrant green color and fresh, grassy aroma.
  4. Rolling and Shaping: The leaves are hand-rolled into their signature slender, slightly curved shape, resembling feathers. This labor-intensive step helps preserve the tea’s natural juices and enhances its flavor.
  5. Drying: Finally, the tea leaves are slowly dried using low, even heat. This step ensures long-lasting freshness and brings out the tea’s unique sweet and floral flavor.

This meticulous process, perfected over generations, results in Mengding Maofeng’s exceptional taste, fresh aroma, and elegant appearance. Every cup of this tea reflects the care and expertise of its skilled artisans.

Video laden: Mengding Maofeng Brewing Guide

Mengding Maofeng Brewing Guide

Tools Needed: Glass or ceramic teacup, tea strainer (optional).

Water Temperature: 75°C-80°C (167°F-176°F).

Tea Amount: 3 grams per 200 ml of water.

Brewing Time: 1-2 minutes for the first steep, increasing steep time slightly for subsequent infusions.

Tip: Avoid using boiling water to preserve the tea’s delicate flavor and aroma.

How to Identify Premium Mengding Maofeng

Premium Mengding Maofeng tea features slender, slightly curved leaves with a uniform, feathery appearance. The leaves are a vibrant green color with a soft, velvety texture, indicating their freshness and careful crafting.

When brewed, the tea produces a bright, clear pale green infusion with a delicate floral and grassy aroma. The flavor is smooth, sweet, and refreshing, with a clean, crisp finish. The balance of sweetness and subtle vegetal notes is a hallmark of high-quality Mengding Maofeng.

Lower-quality Mengding Maofeng may have irregularly shaped or broken leaves, a dull green or yellowish color, and a brittle texture. The brewed tea might appear cloudy, with a bitter or flat taste lacking the refinement of premium-grade tea. To ensure the best experience, look for consistent leaf shape, vibrant color, and the clean clarity of the infusion.