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farmerteas Yue Guang Bai White Moonlight White Tea color display picture after brewing

Erleuchten Sie Ihre Sinne mit Yue Guang Bai White Moonlight White Tea

Yue Guang Bai oder White Moonlight ist ein wirklich bezaubernder chinesischer Weißtee, der für sein betörendes Aroma und seine zarte Süße bekannt ist. Dieser Tee wird in den hochgelegenen Teegärten von Yunnan angebaut und vereint die besten Eigenschaften von Weiß- und Pu-Erh-Tees und bietet einen weichen, milden Aufguss mit subtilen blumigen und fruchtigen Noten. Seine charakteristischen Blätter, die auf der einen Seite dunkel und auf der anderen silbrig-weiß sind, machen ihn optisch ebenso ansprechend wie geschmacklich. Entdecken Sie Yue Guang Bai in unserer Weißtee - Kollektion und genießen Sie ein Teeerlebnis, das so einzigartig ist wie sein Name.

farmerteas Yue Guang Bai White Moonlight White Tea product display picture

The Traditional Art of Crafting Yue Guang Bai White Moonlight White Tea

Bei der Herstellung unserer Tees werden keine chemischen Düngemittel, Pestizide oder Herbizide verwendet. Klicken Sie hier, um mehr über unser Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und faire Handelspraktiken zu erfahren.

Yue Guang Bai White Moonlight White Tea is carefully handpicked by skilled farmers in Yunnan Province, where the tea plants thrive in pristine mountain environments. The leaves are harvested during the evening under the soft glow of the moonlight, which inspired the tea’s poetic name. Only the youngest, tender buds and leaves are selected to preserve the tea’s natural sweetness and rich aroma.

After harvesting, the leaves are spread out to wither under cool, shaded conditions, allowing them to oxidize naturally. This slow and meticulous process brings out the tea’s unique floral and fruity flavor while maintaining its delicate structure. Once the leaves reach the perfect level of oxidation, they are dried at low temperatures to lock in their characteristic two-tone appearance. Each step reflects the farmers’ dedication to creating a tea that’s both beautiful and full of flavor. Learn more about our artisanal tea-making practices on our About Us page.

Video laden: Brewing Guide for Yue Guang Bai Tea

Brewing Guide for Yue Guang Bai Tea

How to Brew Yue Guang Bai White Moonlight White Tea

To enjoy the delicate flavors of Yue Guang Bai White Moonlight Tea:

  • Tools Needed: Glass teapot, gaiwan, or tea infuser.
  • Water Temperature: Heat water to 80–85°C (176–185°F).
  • Steeping Instructions: Use 3–4 grams of tea leaves per 200 ml of water. Steep for 2–3 minutes for the first infusion, and adjust time for subsequent brews.

Using clear glassware enhances the experience by showcasing the leaves’ two-tone beauty as they unfurl. Visit our Help Center for additional brewing tips.

How to Identify Yue Guang Bai Tea Quality

How to Spot Premium Yue Guang Bai White Moonlight White Tea
High-quality Yue Guang Bai tea features leaves with a striking contrast: one side dark and the other silvery-white, resembling moonlight. The dry leaves should emit a fresh, floral aroma with hints of fruitiness. When brewed, the tea produces a clear golden liquor with a smooth, slightly sweet flavor and a lingering finish. Steeped leaves should unfurl completely, showcasing their intact, delicate structure and vibrant quality. For tips on selecting premium teas, visit our Help Center.