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Farmerteas Zi Ya Purple Buds Puer Tea from Yunnan color display picture after brewing

Laissez-vous tenter par l'élégance rare du thé Puer Zi Ya Purple Buds

Zi Ya, ou Purple Buds, est un thé Puer rare et prisé élaboré à partir de feuilles de thé aux teintes violettes vibrantes trouvées dans les plantations de thé de haute altitude du Yunnan. Ses feuilles uniques produisent une saveur douce et moelleuse avec des notes terreuses subtiles et une pointe de douceur naturelle. La liqueur ambrée profonde de ce thé reflète sa qualité exceptionnelle et son savoir-faire traditionnel. Parfait pour une dégustation immédiate ou un vieillissement à long terme, Zi Ya est un trésor pour les connaisseurs de thé à la recherche de quelque chose de vraiment distinctif. Découvrez Zi Ya dans notre collection de thés Puer et profitez de l'héritage des meilleures traditions du thé du Yunnan.


Farmerteas Zi Ya Purple Buds Puer Tea from Yunnan product display picture 1

Le monde des adultes

The Art of Crafting Zi Ya Purple Buds Puer Tea

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Zi Ya Purple Buds Puer Tea originates from ancient tea gardens in Yunnan’s mountainous regions, where unique growing conditions give the leaves their striking purple hue. Farmers carefully handpick only the tender buds and young leaves during the early spring harvest. This meticulous selection ensures that each batch of Zi Ya tea retains its vibrant color and rich nutritional profile.

Once harvested, the leaves are naturally withered under the sun to reduce moisture content. For sheng (raw) puer, the leaves are then lightly pan-fired and compressed into tea cakes, allowing them to age and develop complex flavors over time. For shu (ripe) puer, an additional fermentation process is carried out, resulting in a smoother, darker tea profile. Each step of the process reflects centuries of Yunnan’s tea-making expertise, producing a tea that is as beautiful as it is flavorful. Learn more about our traditional techniques on our About Us page.

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Brewing Guide for Zi Ya Purple Buds Puer Tea

How to Brew Zi Ya Purple Buds Puer Tea

To experience the full flavor of Zi Ya Purple Buds Puer Tea:

  • Tools Needed: Tea knife (for compressed tea), gaiwan, or clay teapot.
  • Water Temperature: Heat water to 95–100°C (203–212°F).
  • Steeping Instructions: Use 5–7 grams of tea leaves or a portion of the tea cake. Rinse the leaves briefly with hot water to awaken their aroma. Steep for 15–20 seconds for the first infusion, gradually increasing steeping time for subsequent brews.

Using a traditional clay teapot enhances the tea’s rich earthy notes and floral sweetness. For more brewing tips, visit our Help Center.

How to Identify Zi Ya Tea Quality

How to Spot Premium Zi Ya Purple Buds Puer Tea
High-quality Zi Ya Purple Buds tea features vibrant purple-hued leaves, a hallmark of its natural growing conditions. The dry leaves should have an earthy, slightly sweet aroma, with hints of floral undertones. When brewed, the tea yields a clear amber or deep reddish liquor, depending on its type. The flavor is smooth and layered, free of bitterness, with a natural sweetness that lingers on the palate. Steeped leaves should unfurl fully, showcasing their vibrant color and delicate structure. For additional tips on selecting premium puer teas, visit our Help Center.