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farmerteas Qi Dan Rare Crimson Wu-Long Tea color display picture after brewing

Verwöhnen Sie sich mit der einzigartigen Eleganz des Qi Dan Rare Crimson Wu-Long Tees

Qi Dan Rare Crimson Wu-Long Tea ist ein prestigeträchtiger chinesischer Oolong aus den legendären Wuyi-Bergen. Dieser Tee ist für sein tiefes Röstaroma und seinen reichen, weichen Geschmack bekannt und bietet eine harmonische Balance aus mineralreichen Noten, blumigen Untertönen und einem leicht süßen Abgang. Qi Dans kräftiger bernsteinfarbener Aufguss und seine vielschichtige Komplexität machen ihn zu einer geschätzten Wahl unter Teeliebhabern. Entdecken Sie diesen seltenen Tee in unserer Wu -Long - Teekollektion und erleben Sie die Kunst der Wuyi-Teezubereitung mit jedem Schluck.


farmerteas Qi Dan Rare Crimson Wu-Long Tea product display picture


The Traditional Craft of Qi Dan Rare Crimson Wu-Long Tea

Bei der Herstellung unserer Tees werden keine chemischen Düngemittel, Pestizide oder Herbizide verwendet. Klicken Sie hier, um mehr über unser Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und faire Handelspraktiken zu erfahren.

Qi Dan Rare Crimson Wu-Long Tea is crafted in the rocky terrain of the Wuyi Mountains, where the unique environment contributes to its bold and distinctive character. Farmers handpick the mature leaves during spring, selecting only the highest quality for this premium tea.

After harvesting, the leaves are withered under natural sunlight to reduce moisture while preserving their natural sweetness. They are then rolled to release essential oils and undergo a precise oxidation process. The signature roasting step follows, where the tea is fired over charcoal multiple times. This gives Qi Dan its rich roasted aroma, complex flavor, and long-lasting finish. Every step of this traditional process reflects the dedication of Wuyi tea artisans, who have perfected their craft over centuries. Learn more about our artisanal tea traditions on our About Us page.

Video laden: Brewing Guide for Qi Dan Tea

Brewing Guide for Qi Dan Tea

How to Brew Qi Dan Rare Crimson Wu-Long Tea

To fully appreciate the complex flavors of Qi Dan Rare Crimson Wu-Long Tea:

  • Tools Needed: Gaiwan, clay teapot, or tea infuser.
  • Water Temperature: Heat water to 90–95°C (194–203°F).
  • Steeping Instructions: Use 5 grams of tea leaves per 200 ml of water. Rinse the leaves briefly with hot water to awaken their aroma, then steep for 20–30 seconds for the first infusion. Adjust steeping time for subsequent brews to explore the tea’s evolving flavor profile.

Using traditional clay teapots enhances the tea’s roasted and floral notes. For more brewing tips, visit our Help Center.

How to Identify Qi Dan Tea Quality

How to Spot Premium Qi Dan Rare Crimson Wu-Long Tea
High-quality Qi Dan tea features tightly twisted, dark brown leaves with a slightly glossy appearance. The dry leaves should carry a roasted, mineral-rich aroma with hints of flowers and dried fruits. When brewed, the tea produces a clear amber liquor with a smooth, layered flavor. Steeped leaves should unfurl completely, revealing their intact structure and vibrant quality, a hallmark of expert craftsmanship. For guidance on selecting premium teas, visit our Help Center.