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farmerteas Que She Sparrow’s Tongue Wu-Long Tea color display picture after brewing

Genießen Sie die zarte Eleganz des Que She Sparrow's Tongue Wu-Long Tees

Que She oder Sperlingszunge ist ein einzigartiger chinesischer Wu-Long-Tee, der für seine charakteristischen schlanken Blätter und sein raffiniertes Aroma bekannt ist. Dieser Tee wird in den nebligen Wuyi-Bergen angebaut und bietet eine feine Balance aus leichten Blumennoten und erdigen Untertönen. Seine bernsteingoldene Flüssigkeit und sein weicher, anhaltender Abgang machen ihn zu einer geschätzten Wahl für Teeliebhaber. Que She ist perfekt für Momente der Ruhe und verkörpert die Kunst der traditionellen chinesischen Teezubereitung. Entdecken Sie diesen seltenen Oolong in unserer Wu -Long - Teekollektion und genießen Sie die Schönheit der Sperlingszunge.


farmerteas Que She Sparrow’s Tongue Wu-Long Tea product display picture


The Art of Crafting Que She Sparrow’s Tongue Wu-Long Tea

Bei der Herstellung unserer Tees werden keine chemischen Düngemittel, Pestizide oder Herbizide verwendet. Klicken Sie hier, um mehr über unser Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und faire Handelspraktiken zu erfahren.

Que She Sparrow’s Tongue Wu-Long Tea begins its journey in the fertile and rocky terrain of the Wuyi Mountains. The tea is carefully handpicked by experienced farmers during the early spring harvest when the leaves are at their freshest. The slender shape of the leaves resembles a sparrow’s tongue, giving the tea its poetic name.

After harvest, the leaves are withered under natural sunlight to reduce moisture while preserving their delicate floral aroma. The farmers then roll and twist the leaves by hand to release their essential oils, followed by a precise oxidation process. Finally, the tea is roasted over charcoal to create its smooth, balanced flavor. This multi-step process, rooted in generations of expertise, results in a tea that reflects the beauty of its natural origin. Learn more about our dedication to traditional tea craftsmanship on our About Us page.

Video laden: Brewing Guide for Que She Tea

Brewing Guide for Que She Tea

How to Brew Que She Sparrow’s Tongue Wu-Long Tea

To enjoy the subtle flavors of Que She Sparrow’s Tongue Wu-Long Tea:

  • Tools Needed: Gaiwan, clay teapot, or tea infuser.
  • Water Temperature: Heat water to 90–95°C (194–203°F).
  • Steeping Instructions: Use 4–5 grams of tea leaves per 200 ml of water. Rinse the leaves with hot water briefly before brewing to awaken their aroma. Steep for 30–60 seconds for the first brew, gradually increasing steeping time for subsequent infusions.

For an enhanced experience, brew using traditional clay teapots to bring out the tea’s mineral and floral notes. For more brewing techniques, visit our Help Center.

How to Identify Que She Tea Quality

How to Spot Premium Que She Sparrow’s Tongue Wu-Long Tea
High-quality Que She tea features slender, uniformly twisted leaves with a dark green to brown hue. The dry leaves should have a fresh floral aroma with subtle earthy undertones. When brewed, the tea produces a golden-amber liquor with a clean, smooth taste. Steeped leaves should unfurl completely, revealing their intact, delicate structure. The clarity of the brewed tea and its lingering floral aftertaste are hallmarks of exceptional quality. For more tips on selecting premium teas, visit our Help Center.